what would you wear to a summer wedding that is black tie? a black tie summer wedding requires a formal dress. because it is summer, i would recommend a short dressy cocktail dress. black cocktail dresses always look formal (and yes, it is perfectly acceptable to wear black to a wedding nowadays) and you can differentiate yours with a statement necklace. fred currently has numerous styles of black strapless dresses and is always stocked with statement jewelry. because it is summer though, why not opt for a vibrant or saturated color dress instead? fred has a stunning silk cobalt blue dress. even though it's a shorter style, the silk makes it formal and accesssories can help dress it up even more. black patent or strappy metallic heels always dress things up more too.
how about a "normal" summer wedding? a normal summer wedding really allows you freedom to wear any cute, fun dress. i love this time of year because it's when fred has the most dresses in stock. there are so many styles and patterns to choose from. my favorite is the brand minuet. they make solid colored dresses with unique origami detail, ruffles, box pleats, or flower appliques. they always seem to look great on everyone and sell out immediately when we a get a shipment in! their dresses come in the perfect colors for summer too: magenta, teal blue, yellow, green, etc. there really is such a wide selection of styles and brands of dresses at fred right now and the majority of them would work for any summer wedding. and i'm so thankful we don't have to worry about what tights or jacket we need to wear with them anymore too!
what do you recommend for an outdoor summer wedding? for me, an outdoor casual wedding reception is all about the appropriate fabric choice. i would stick to any cotton or jersey fabric--nothing too formal like silk. and even thought it is casual, it's not a backyard bbq, so a dress is still the most appropriate option. since it's outdoors, i would stay away from black and opt for a colorful flower pattern, which is one of the biggest trends this season. and one more important thing to remember: don't wear stilletos! you'll have sinkage issues in the grass, so a cute strappy metallic flat sandal or wedge would be best.
so, there you have it. your wedding dress dilemmas solved. here are my top picks for dresses we have at fred right now--come scoop 'em up fast:
and don't forget to check out our new store luscious, right next to fred! talk to you next week! here's this week's installment of knock it off. please disregard beyonce's missing arm. :)
Knock It Off
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